List of UMC Customers in China
October 2022
To provide Chinese end users with a way to easily purchase and identify genuine UMC products, we, Universal Motion Components Co., INC. (“UMC”) hereby issues a list of enterprises in China which sell genuine UMC products. The UMC labelled irrigation products sold by the following enterprises are genuine UMC goods.
为方便中国消费者购买和辨别真正的UMC产品,我公司,UNIVERSAL MOTION COMPONENTS CO.,INC.,特在此公布我公司尊贵的主要客户名单,以供参考。截止至目前,下述企业所销售的带有“UMC”字样的喷灌机用产品均真正来源于UMC公司。
List (Names listed in no particular order):
Lindsay (Tianjin) Industry Co. Ltd. 林赛(天津)工业有限公司
Reinke(Beijing) Irrigation Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 瑞克(北京)灌溉设备制造有限公司
Anhui Irritech Agriculture Equipment Corporation Limited 安徽艾瑞德农业装备股份有限公司
If you have any questions about the above information, please feel free to contact UMC Trading (Beijing) Limited, our UMC affiliate in China, at any time. The contact information is as follows.
Contact/联系人: 丁欢
Address/地址: 中国北京市朝阳区安立路60号润枫德尚5号楼101室
Universal Motion Components Co., INC.
October 2022